The US calls itself an exceptional nation; this holds also be true for its criminal energy. The „National Institute of Standards and Technology“ (NIST) is just covering up the 9/11 circumstances such as the Bush gang did. The controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC No 7 seems obvious. Watch this revealing and excellent video. Only ignoramuses can deny the overwhelming evidence. Justice still has to be done in the US. Why doesn’t the „greatest builder on earth,“ US President Donald Trump, appoint an independent committee to investigate the real circumstances of 9/11? He knows that the official narrative was made up as his first comments after September 11, demonstrate.
If the US public doesn’t come to terms with the real circumstances on 9/11, the so-called wars on terror will go indefinitely. Perhaps the Ziocons will love it. Their short-term goals are bringing down Assad and Iran, in the long run, they will try to destabilize Russia and China by using the desperados from ISIS and the bought mercenaries. Now it’s the „Muslim threat,“ later it will be the „Russian“ and „Chinese threat.
Paul Craig Roberts writes: „Anyone who believes the official 9/11 story, like anyone who believes Oswald killed JFK, like anyone who still believes that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and Al-Qaeda connections, that Assad used chemical weapons, who believes the Gulf of Tonkin lie, who believes that Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK, that Russia invaded Ukraine, etc., is too far gone ever to be rescued from The Matrix in which they live.“
So far, the corporate media are still able to cover up the truth about the reality of 9/11 by calling everybody a conspiracy theorist. In fact, 9/11 was the largest conspiracy against the American people perpetrated not by these alleged 19 Muslim hijackers. The real conspiracists are all still alive and kicking.