Archiv des Autors: Ludwig Watzal

Über Ludwig Watzal

Studium der Politischen Wissenschaft am Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin (Dipl. Pol.); der Internationalen Beziehungen an der University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (M.A.); der Philosophie an der Hochschule für Philosophie S. J. in München (M.A.); und der Katholischen Theologie in Würzburg; Wiss. Mitarbeiter für Politikwissenschaft und Internationale Beziehungen an der Universität der Bundeswehr in München; Promotion zum Dr. phil. ebenda; 1986 - 2016 Mitarbeiter der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB) in Bonn; 1986 - 2008 Redakteur der Zeitschrift "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte", der Beilage zur Wochenzeitung "Das Parlament". Auf Druck der jüdisch-zionistischen Lobby und ihrer deutschen Helfershelfer, die eine regelrechte Hetz- und Verleumdungskampagne initiiert haben, straf"umgesetzt" in den FB Förderung; nach zwei Jahren Wechsel in den FB Extremismus. 2000 - 2006 Lehrauftrag in Politikwissenschaft am Seminar für Politische Wissenschaften der Universität Bonn; Zur Zeit Redakteur und freier Journalist; Publikationen für einige englischsprachige Websites in den USA, Kanada, Australien und dem Fernen Osten.

The US and Germany rebuff South Africa’s Genocide charge against Israel

Annalena Baerbock’s greatest foreign policy success is „Toilet Colonialism“ for Africa. Poor Svenja Schulze!

The Joe Biden regime rebuffed South Africa’s indictment against Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian People, which is no surprise. Philip Geradi asks the right question on the UNZ review: „Who owns you, Joe, and why are your top officials lying about what is happening?“ For the deranged guy in the White House applies extenuating circumstances. Joe Biden is an ardent Zionist. When he visited Israel as Vice President under the Obama regime, he said: „Happy to be back at home.“ How subservient and disgusting for a representative of a then-time empire. At that time, the Israeli dog had wagged the US’s tail since Lyndon B. Johnson.

The US deputy representative of the US mission to the UN cast a veto against a permanent ceasefire by saying „we.“ Usually, he should have said, „I.“ „We“ implies US collaboration with the murderous Zionist regime. In the future, the US regime will have a huge credibility problem. Such a problem is having all Western countries, which consider themselves „value-based.“ If these are the values of the West, one makes you want to throw up.

A similar hypocrisy takes place in Germany. The Germans still have a „hangover“ because of their terrible treatment of European Jewry, disabled human beings, gay people, Gypsies, and „subhumans“ generally. However, such a gruesome past doesn’t disqualify Germany from criticizing Israel or its patron, the US, for their political behavior. and their disdain for international law.

Right now, Germany is run by a bunch of incompetent, ignorant Israeli and US lackeys. The German foreign minister, Annaena Baerbock, who can hardly speak correct German, rebuffed South Africa’s claim against the genocide of Israel at the ICJ. Namibia’s president reacted very undiplomatically to Germany’s move. Perhaps Baerbock doesn’t have any clue of Germany’s genocidal past in Namibia.

She is obsessed with a so-called feminist foreign policy, which is nothing else than „toilet colonialism.“ Tony Blinken is Annaleana Baerbock’s teacher, who speaks for Tony! The whole world laughs about her; only Berlin hasn’t realized the laughter jet.

This German government does everything that its US master tells it. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the political class don’t ask questions about the US’s demolition of Nord Stream-2-pipeline. They don’t mind that the US still has 34.000 occupation forces in Germany, although the country got its „sovereignty“ after the Soviet Union collapsed. The Biden regime still treated Germany as its colony, and nobody disagreed.

„The plan by America’s „best friend“ and „closest ally“ to nuke the world even has a name: „The Samson Option,“ recalling how the Biblical strongman Samson brought down the temple where the Philistines were mocking him, killing thousands of them. So maybe Joe Biden should be thinking long and hard about how and with whom he is getting our country set up to go to war. Or just maybe it is already too late!“ The German political class will follow his US master in passive obedience.

No solidarity with Israel!

Doesn’t Gaza look like Warsaw?

Having read Chris Hedges’s article on „The Death of Israel“ and listened to his speech „The Genocide in Gaza,“ it downed upon me that there can’t be any solidarity with such a brutal regime.  Israel’s behavior can’t be justified by the dubious term „Staatsräson“ raison d’état.

Chris Hedges quoted the famous Jewish philosopher Yeshayahu  Leibowitz warning Israel to separate church and state and end the occupation. Both the Zionist leadership didn’t comply with this. The Rabbinate warped Judaism into a fascistic Zionist cult. According to Leibowitz, such an Israel „would not deserve to exist, and it will not be worthwhile to preserve it.“ Leibowitz called the Zionist occupiers „Judeo-Nazis.“ After this remark, the late Yitzhak Rabin refused him the Israel Price.

The Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein called Israel on different occasions a „lunatic state.“ Looking at some of Benyamin Netanyahu’s ministers, Finkelstein’s classification materializes perfectly.

The world watches in real time a massacre of Palestinian children and women. There are over 7000 children and over 5500 women killed. The total number of deaths exceeds 19500. Do these numbers justify the attack by Hamas on Israel that caused the end of 1200 Israelis and wounded over 5400? What’s shocking is the one-sided dumbness of the so-called „value-west“ leaders. They lamented only over the Israelis killed by Hamas—these self-righteous „value-driven“ Western leaders are complicit in the mass murder of over 19500 innocent civilians. Israel has been killing ten times the number of children in two months than in the two-year-long war between Russia and Ukraine!

Not only the leaders of the Zionist state must be brought before the ICC but also the US leadership, with Joe Biden leading the way. The Zionist state kills Palestinians with US weaponry and behaves like a savage colonial power. The US did not even have the guts to agree to the UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Israel tries to silence public criticism with the anti-Semitism club. All the mass protests in Western capitals are slandered as „anti-Semitism.“ They have nothing to do with this form of racism; the people give vent to their anger. But the Zionist Israel lobby and their handlers in politics and media work overtime to keep the leaderships in the US and Europe in line. And these folks are obedient to the lobbies‘ orders. Whether these stooges will keep mum when the Zionists cleanse ethnically Gaza remains to be seen.

I’m looking forward to the first courageous politician who calls a spade a spade.

US and Western Double Standards with regards to Russia and Israel

US and Western Double Standards!

Israel’s brutal, oppressive regime calls on over 1 Million Palestinians in the open-air prison of Gaza to walk to the Egyptian border in the South to increase the pressure on Egypt to open up its border crossing to get rid of another 1 Million Palestinians. They will never return to the Gaza Strip if they are in Egypt. Israel will never allow one so-called refugee to return to their homeland, although most of these people have been ethnically cleansed by the Zionist regime in 1948. Their land is in historic Palestine, which Zionist settler colonialists have conquered. There are voices in Israel calling  „to finish the job,“ which means that the ethnic cleansing of 1948 hasn’t been completed. Now, it’s time to get the job done.

PM Benyamin Netanyahu compared the attack on Israel by Hamas freedom fighters to Pearl Harbor, which is historically not only totally off the mark but also intended towards the Biden regime to give Israel Carte blanche in crushing the Palestinians‘ freedom and independence fight forever. So far, Israel has killed over 2200 Palestinians during its bombing raid, basically civilians and many children. None of the representatives of the so-called „value West“ had the guts to condemn Israel’s rampage or call for restraint. The Netanyahu regime acts like a colonial power gone wild. Weiterlesen

Mu’ummar Qaddafi tells the truth about the United States of America

This article by the brutally killed Lybian leader, Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, is more than worth reading. It should remind the readers of Qaddafi’s outstanding achievements and the actual criminal state in international affairs that organized his overthrow: the US terror and rogue state.

„Qaddafi Unplugged and Uncensored

Recollections Of My Life – Mu’ummar Qaddafi
By Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi; Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.

Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution.  April 8, 2011.

April 09, 2011 Information Clearing House“ — In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.

For 40 years, or was it longer,I can’t remember, I did all I could to give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave them food, I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert, I stood up to attacks from that cowboy Reagan, when he killed my adopted orphaned daughter, he was trying to kill me, instead he killed that poor innocent child, then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the African Union, did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people’s committees ran our country, but that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted more, and they told Americans and other visitors, they needed “democracy,” and “freedom,” never realizing it was a cut throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest, but they were enchanted with those words, never realizing that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup, no, no matter what I did, it was never enough for some, but for others, they knew I was the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and Muslim leader we’ve had since Salah’ a’ Deen, when he claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed Libya, for my people, it was his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my people free from colonial domination—from thieves who would steal from us—

Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called “capitalism,” but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer, so, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jammohouriyah,

I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it.

Let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up the West and its colonialist ambitions, and that I stood with my African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers, as a beacon of light, when others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a tent,  I never forgot my youth in Sirte, I did not spend our national treasury foolishly, and like Salah’a’deen, our great Muslim leader, who rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself…

In the West, some have called me “mad,” “crazy,” but they know the truth but continue to lie, they know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free, may Allah almighty help us to remain faithful and free.

c: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, 4.5.11
Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, – professor Sam Hamod – Information Clearing House.“

Republished by courtesy of Information Clearing House. 

Daniele Ganser, Imperium USA. Die skrupellose Weltmacht

Die USA stellt die größte Gefahr für den Weltfrieden dar. Das Land übt einen destruktiven Einfluss auf die internationalen Beziehungen aus, der sich zunehmend auf einen nuklearen Konflikt mit Russland hinbewegt. Diese traurige Spitzenstellung hat sich die Weltmacht Nr. 1 nicht von ungefähr erworben. Keine andere Nation hat in seiner Geschichte so viele andere Länder bombardiert, so viele Regierungen gestürzt und Kriege geführt wie die USA.

Die USA unterhalten die mindestens Militärstützpunkte (750) in über 80 Ländern, exportieren die meisten Waffen und haben den höchsten Rüstungsetat der Welt. Die Vereinigten Staaten geben mehr (877 Mrd. Dollar) für die Landesverteidigung aus als China, Russland, Indien, Saudi-Arabien, das Vereinigte Königreich, Deutschland, Frankreich, Südkorea, Japan und die Ukraine zusammen, die es nur auf 849 Mrd. Dollar bringen. Die Bedrohung für die Welt durch die USA ist mehr als offensichtlich.

Daniele Ganser, Schweizer Friedensforscher, der bereits mit seinem Buch über die geheimen Terrorarmeen der NATO „Gladio“ Berühmtheit erlangt hat, beschreibt detailliert und fundiert über die inhärente Gewalt des US-Herrschaftssystems. Ganser geht der Frage nach, wie diese destruktive Gewalt entstehen konnte und warum so viele Länder die USA immer noch – fälschlicherweise – für eine Inspiration und Hoffnung halten. Weiterlesen

Prinz Harrys Buch „Reserve“ – weit unter dem Niveau der Kardashians

Ich habe mir Harrys „Reserve“ von einem Freund ausgeliehen. Nach einigen Seiten war mir klar, dass diese „Autobiographie“ voller Ungereimtheiten, Unterstellungen, Verschwörungstheorien und glatten Lügen ist. Für mich ist dieser Klatsch keinen Cent wert. Harry wäscht nur dreckige Wäsche. Für einen 38-jährigen Mann ist es beschämend; einem Teenager hätte man diese toxische weinerliche Rhetorik vielleicht durchgehen lassen.

Der Herzog von Sussex und seine Frau Meghan Markle, die Herzogin von Sussex, haben mit ihrer Netflix-„Dokumentation“ nicht nur ihre Seele verkauft, sondern auch dem britischen Königshaus massiven Schaden zugefügt. Die Verleumdung der Royals begann mit dem Interview with Oprah Winfrey, indem Harry und seine Frau Meghan der königlichen Familie „Rassismus“ vorwarfen. Dieser „Rassismus-Vorwurf“, für den nicht der geringste Beweis vorgelegt werden konnte, stand weltweit fast für zwei Jahre im Raum, bis Harry während seiner Promotion-Tour, erklärte, die Royals seien nicht rassistisch. Plötzlich war es ein unbewusstes Vorurteil „unconscious bias“. Für die Bekämpfung dieses angeblichen Rassismus erhielt das Paar den obskuren „Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award“. Werden die beiden diesen Preis jetzt zurückgeben, nachdem ihre Behauptung sich als Lüge herausgestellt hat? Weiterlesen

Prince Harry’s SPARE: Gossip between two boards!

Prince Harry’s book „SPARE“ contains many lies, innuendos, rumors, hardly any truth, and no evidence. In short: Baloney between two boards!

It started with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, in which the Duchess of Netflix and the Duke of Netflix accused the Royal family of „racism.“ In his latest interview, in which the Duke of Netflix promoted his autobiography „SPARE,“ he walked the allegation of racism against the Royals back. Harry and his wife received an award for fighting structural racism! After their racism claim was bogus, does the couple return the award? Piers Morgan, one of the couple’s fiercest and most profound reviewers, called Harry a „village idiot.“

The so-called documentary, aired on Netflix, caused a shitstorm because of the many lies, false allegations, and wild guesses. For all their innuendos, the couple presented not a single piece of evidence. The Netflix series presented Harry and Meghan as victims who wallowed in self-pity. They live in a 14 Million Dollar mansion in Montecito, close to Santa Barbara. Only big shots are living in this affluent neighborhood. Weiterlesen

Why is Germany committing an energy suicide?

The US and its puppet Vladimir Zelensky.

Germany is committing economic suicide because the Great Brother in Washington ordered us to do so. On 1 September, William Engdahl wrote an eye-opening article that the energy crisis was not caused by Russia but by European politicians and financial interests. „It is not because politicians like Scholz, German Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, or EU Commission Green Energy Vice President Frans Timmermans are stupid or clueless. Corrupt and dishonest, maybe yes. They know exactly what they are doing. They are reading a script. It is all part of the EU plan to deindustrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet. This is the UN Green Agenda 2030, otherwise known as Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset“ now renamed „Great Narrative.“

A Swedish news outlet Nya Dagbladet ran a story based on a „confidential“ paper by the RAND Corporation titled „How the US planned the war and the energy crisis in Europe.“

In the executive summary „Weakening Germany, strengthening the US,“ the US intention is boldly formulated: The US urgently needs an influx of outside resources to maintain the overall US economy, especially the banking system. „Only European countries bound by EU and NATO commitments can provide us with these without significant military and political costs.“

According to RAND, Germany’s independence is the most significant obstacle to this goal. Its cynical proposal is the destruction of the German Russian relationship and France, which is the most significant political and economic threat to the US.

Germany’s economic power threatened US domination over Europe, so Germany’s economy must be destroyed by drawing Germany into war. „Stopping Russian deliveries could create a systematic crisis that would be devastating for the German economy and indirectly for the European Union as a whole.“ The sinister US strategy draws both countries into war with Ukraine. „The only possible way to ensure that Germany rejects Russian energy supplies is to draw both sides into the military conflict in Ukraine. Our continued actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from Russia.“

 „The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the dominant role of green parties and European ideologies. The German environmental movement is a highly dogmatic, if not passionate, movement, which makes it quite easy to get them to ignore economic arguments.“ Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck represent this type of ideologically fixated Green politicians.

At a conference in Prague, Baerbock showed her romantic infatuation saying, „We will stand with Ukraine, and this means that the sanctions will stay, also in winter time – even if it gets tough for politicians.“ She said that she doesn’t give a damn about the opinion of her constituency. There is no more straightforward way to express her contempt for the voters.

Rand foresees a  total collapse of Europe’s economy, which seems probable and desirable. A Russian reduction or even stopping the energy supplies would have disastrous consequences for the German economy. „Not only will it deliver a devastating blow to the German economy, but the entire economy of the entire EU economy will also inevitably collapse.“

Gloomy prospects that our so-called American friends have in store for Germany and Europe.

Waffenstillstandsappell von Blauäugigen auf ZEIT-Online

Waffenstillstand jetzt!

Schon der erste Satz des Appells „Waffenstillstand jetzt!“ auf Zeit-Online vom 29. Juni 2022 verkennt die realen Machtverhältnisse des Westens. Nicht Europa, sondern  das US-Imperium gibt den Takt in Sachen Ukraine-Konflikt vor, und die USA wollen keinen Frieden. In der Ukraine wird ein Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen den USA und Russland auf Kosten des ukrainischen Volkes ausgefochten. Es sei hier an die Aussage von Viktoria Nuland anlässlich des US-inszenierten Putsches 2014 in der Ukraine erinnert: „Fuck the EU.“

Die Appellanten verkennen, dass trotz massiver Waffenlieferungen, finanzieller und ideologischer Unterstützung die Ukraine diesen Konflikt niemals gewinnen kann. Aber die USA wollen dies auch gar nicht, weil sie Russland bestrafen wollen, eine solche Aktion niemals zu wiederholen, wie es US-Kriegsminister Lloyd Austin ausgedrückt hat.

Deutschland hätte niemals Waffen an das NAZI-Regime in der Ukraine liefern sollen. Wer unbefangen Vladimir Selenskyi beobachtet, kann nur zu dem Schluss kommen, dass dieser Komiker größenwahnsinnig geworden ist, wie seine letzte Forderung nach Ausschluss Russlands aus dem UN-Sicherheitsrat zeigt. Dass aus diesem Komiker ein omnipräsenter Medienstar geworden ist, liegt an der 24/7-Propaganda der Staats- und Konzernmedien in den USA und Westeuropas sowie an der irrationalen Verhaltensweise der EU-Politiker und der US-dominierten  NATO. Es gibt kaum noch einen Event, an dem Selenskyi nicht zugeschaltet wird. Es fehlen nur noch die Dorffeste! Weiterlesen

States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check

Kees van der Pijl has written an extraordinary book on the natural causes of the COVID pandemic and its exploitation by the global elites to control the world’s population and establish a totalitarian regime run by the globalists. Since the pandemic’s start in March 2020, lockdowns have been used to restrict democracy and people’s freedoms.

In a digital economy, two billion people will be superfluous, and they are not sitting on their hands; the world over, massive resistance has begun, writes the author. „The Western capitalist elites have lost the capacity to engage their respective peoples in an equitable social contract and have resorted to stoking fear — from the terrorism scare and the Russian threat to the COVID infliction, with more variants coming in line — as a formula for curtailing protest and maintaining power.“ Weiterlesen