The Americans want the world to believe that their democracy is „exceptional,“ which indeed it is for real believers, but the US political system is also second to none in its political criminality, corruption and aggressiveness against states that don’t follow its orders. In this respect, there hasn’t been any difference between Democratic or Republican presidents.
Since Trump became the nominee of the GOP, a conspiracy started against him that is unprecedented in modern American history. The then President Obama and its criminal Intel community, (Clapper and Brennan especially) plus the FBI and the DOJ began to conspire against Trump using a dossier full of rubbish to get a warrant against one of Trump’s advisers, Carter Page, from a kangaroo court, which is called FISA. This plot gathered full speed after Trump won the election against the most dangerous, hawkish and corrupt candidate the US has ever seen, Hillary Clinton.
The top brass of the Deep State has been keeping on with their criminal and undemocratic endeavor after Trump took the oath of office. The leftovers of the Obama administration within the Deep State even have still the infamy and mendacity to threat a sitting president.
Chuck Schumer, the minority leader of the Democrats in the Senate, tried to intimidate the US President. „Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,“ said Chuck Schumer Tuesday evening on MSNBC.
Even worse than Schumer former CIA counterterrorism official Phil Mudd threatened Trump on CNN was saying; „The workforce is going to look and this and say, this is an attack on our ability to investigate with integrity… The FBI people, I’m going to tell you, “are ticked” and they’re going to be saying, I guarantee you, “You think you can push this off this?”… You better think again, Mr. President. You’ve been around for 13 months. We’ve been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played. We’re going to win.“
Does it mean that Donald Trump could suffer the same fate as JFK to be killed by the CIA or any other US agency? The following video by Jimmy Dore, a Bernie Sanders supporter and one of the few authentic voices in American journalism, tells you more about the rottenness of the American political system and it’s „highly“ regarded institutions than any textbook, not to speak of the media.
The political corruptness and criminality of the Intel community, the FBI, and the DOJ is so appalling that a genuinely democratic minded person can’t swallow. Without the intensive collaboration of the fawning and corrupt mainstream media, this could have never happened. As a foreign political observer of US foreign and domestic politics, I only believe 5 percent what CNN is broadcasting. The NYT and the Post can write stories till Doomsday, but they will never change their minds on President Trump.
What they lacked was fairness a core principle of journalism. The vast majority of journalists worldwide had a bias towards Trump from day one. The following sentence of the renowned German journalist and TV anchorman Hanns Joachim Friedrichs should take the American journalists to heart. „A good journalist can be recognized by the fact that he does not associate with a cause, not even with a good one; that he is present everywhere, but doesn’t belong to it.“ Most US journalists are partisan.
There must be some heads rolling in Washington D. C.