US Fascism will appear at the shining city on the Hill!
Dutch-Jewish historian Jacques Presser remarked as early as 1947: „Fascism, should it ever return, will undoubtedly present itself in the guise of anti-fascism.“ Having watched the surreal inauguration, the Green Zone in Bagdad popped up. The occupation in Washington was called Red Zone. Almost 30.000 troops occupied the city, protecting the ruling class from their own people. The „most popular President,“ who can’t simulate mental acuity, was inaugurated behind a huge electric fence without any real people present, except some hundred handpicked members of the political class. This flagged event has been reinterpreted by one of the propagandists from CNN, Don Lemon; he twisted the truth like CNN always does, saying, “The reason President-elect Biden has to do this is that he’s just so incredibly popular. He has so many rabid fans that they might try to rush the stage as they’re overcome with enthusiasm and love for Biden, who is by far the most beloved candidate who has ever run for President.” Kim Jong-un would love having such a guy in his propaganda crew.
Much lesser troops are still occupying Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria! The „crowd“ was „represented“ by 200.000 mini US flags along the Mall. Biden phraseology sounded like Obama’s only amateurishly and less eloquently. Obama finally got his third term. Most of the so-called new people served under Obama. Susan Rice, who controls Biden’s domestic policy, will execute Obama’s divisive and identity policy, which contributed partly to the US’s dire situation.
The Harris/Biden administration will wage a domestic war against 75 million political-incorrect people (Trump voters), together with the CIA, FBI, the big tech, the billionaire class, Wall Street, and the propaganda mainstream media as moral enforcers. Biden used divisive language disguised in „unity“ rhetoric such as „White Supremacists,“ „Terrorists,“ „Nationalists,“ et cetera, who violated our „values.“ Did he mean the „values“ of the 1 percent and their political puppets? The new regime uses the outburst of People Power on Capitol Hill, where many bozos broke some windows, as a pretext for a purge and a crackdown of 75 million Trump voters. Inciters from Black Lives Matter, such as John Early Sullivan and other agents provocateurs, whooped the protesters. It didn’t look like a „coup,“ which the Obama administration organized in Ukraine or other places worldwide.
According to Democrats and their media instigators, Trump incited an „insurrection,“ calling on people to make the protest „peacefully“ and „patriotically“ heard! Not a single word in his common rhetoric was inflammatory. The Democratic Party political establishment in Washington even wants to „impeach“ Trump, though he is now a private citizen. That quite a few Republicans rise to the bait demonstrates their needlessness. Democrats and Republicans are afraid of Trump that they will bend the law to make „impeachment“ happen. The new inquisition plans big. All Trump voters have to undergo reeducation training to be deprogrammed and brainwashed with their political-correct ideology. The Obama 3.0 administration will topsy-turvy the US with their racist and discriminatory identity policy. Now women have to compete with male freaks who pretend they feel female! This insanity is a spit into the face of all women. Besides this lunacy, Tribalism will return to America. In the future, everything will depend on how you look (black, brown, yellow, or colored, what sexual orientation one prefers, whether one feels discriminated, which bathroom one wants to use, and the rest of the ridiculous traits that are on display by the Harris/Biden people. The US looks like a nuthouse filled with ideological fanatics for an outsider.
The protest of people power on 6 January will serve as a pretext to establish a Fascist system, which has been long in the pipeline. It started in summer 2020, when media oligarchs, a bunch of billionaires, and political operatives from the Democratic Party simulated war games against Trump’s „misbehavior.“ Mainstream media was complicit and pushed these ideas. The Harris/Biden administration, together with Pelosi’s and Schumer’s control.
Congress will ram a new „Patriot Act“ down the lawmakers‘ throat. This „law“ will allow the US government to fight „domestic terrorism,“ whatever that means. Harris/Biden can now switch between the so-called „Global War on Terror“ and „domestic terrorism.“ The left big tech and opinion oligopolies replaced class struggle and replaced “anti-fascist” technocratic terrorism. „Antifascism” justifies everything after all!
In fact, the people Biden/Harris hired are the old Obama administration with some new faces, such as the black Secretary of Defense. They are obsessed with Russia, but not so much with China. Isn’t the Biden family deeply involved in financial favors from Chinese intelligence? Instead of impeaching the private citizen Donald Trump, which Supreme Court Judge John Roberts should not preside over, Congress should think about impeaching Joe Biden. There won’t be any „normal,“ neither for the American people nor for the peoples around the world. Plans for a „Great Reset“ and total control by Big Tech, which plays the role of a „Global Pravda,“ are in the pipeline. Perhaps this American-style Fascism will be more palatable than older versions. But Fascism will remain Fascism, even when it appears as the shining city on the Hill.