The US Master and his minions.
Nobody should be impressed by the meeting of G7 leaders in Cornwall, England. It’s a swansong of a political format, which impresses only journalists whose job is to cheer up to their paymasters. Where are these leaders come from? They are from the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, and Japan. Representatives of the anti-democratic EU are also present, but their contributions are nothing than hot-air. Placed at a children’s table are Australia, India (President Narendra Modi is only virtually present), South Africa, and South Korea. The G7 leaders even condescended to allow UN-Secretary António Guterres to be flown in to complete the picture of a sinking ship.
Established in 1975, the G7 stood for 70 percent of the world’s GDP; today, they leap the 30 percent hurdle. What want these windbags to tell the world? What do Canada’s showoff Justin Trudeau or Italy’s Mario Draghi at this meeting except cheering up to their frail master Joe Biden? Or is it just hubris or narcissism? Joe Biden and Boris Johnson even had the nerve to sign a so-called second „Atlantic Charta“ that is just poor sentimentality of lost grandeur. Do they rather want to rekindle Western supremacy or „the hope of a better future of the world,“ as Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote in 1941? To take the world of 2021 into account, it’s a bizarre undertaking.
The main „achievement“ of these phonies are their anti-Russian and anti-Chinese aggression. That the European US minions join in Biden’s outlandish policy approach shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Europeans lost their self-respect as sovereign nations. They detested President Donald Trump for his openness to tell these hot-air artists to take care of themselves and jump on the bandwagon with a concrete price that the Europeans didn’t want to pay. Trump was fed up with the hollow rhetoric of the so-called European suckers. These „allies“ like Joe Biden because he continues Barack Obama’s phony policy. Did the European US lackeys discuss the spying of their leaders by the US with the help of the EU member-state Denmark?
However, President Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will discuss real politics in Geneva, Switzerland, on 16 June. Biden will meet with a leader who represents a sovereign and self-confident nation. If he intends to lecture Putin on human rights or the other fantastical Western „values,“ he should look in the mirror. Biden should not forget Julian Assange or the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay or the show trials instigated against the demonstrators who entered Capitol Hill, who are stigmatized as „terrorists“ before mentioning the name of CIA asset Alexei Navalny.
As usual, the final statement of the G7 will be a bombastic wish list. The G7 intends to distribute 2,7 billion doses of the Covid vaccine to the poorer countries forgetting that they hardly vaccinated their own population. Prominent is the anti-Chinese statement and the Cold-War mentality.