A „Peace Politician“ died at the age of 93.
„De mortuis nil nisi bene“ is commonly translated in English with „Speak no ill of the dead“. The headlines of German obituaries on Shimon Peres outbid themselves in adulation. President Obama, however, outbid even the Germans. He praised Peres without irony as „a champion of peace. […] As Americans, we are indebted to him”, he said. He even got metaphysical: „A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever.“ The US president should have really known better, that even “Peace Angel” Peres was only interested in peace with the Palestinians on Israeli conditions, namely, their subjugation under an Israeli peace diktat. Obama’s hypocrisy was topped off by Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, who had fought fiercely against the „peace policy“ of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. Weiterlesen