Archiv der Kategorie: Internationale Politik

Is any relationship with the US toxic?

Does President Vladimir Putin really want to meet this guy?

Anti-Russian Tony Blinken, US Secretary of State, and Dominic Raab, British Foreign Secretary, are meeting one day ahead of the G-7 foreign ministers in London to determine an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese agenda. The outcome is as safe as the Bank of England. Raab displayed rhetorical fireworks on common values and other platitudes. „We talked about our shared commitment to stand up for open societies, democracy, and human rights – protecting fundamental freedoms, tackling disinformation, holding human rights abusers to account. A key element of this is defending the rule of law, so we are determined to reform but reinforce the multilateral system.“  Looking at the policy of both countries, reality doesn’t match with their fantasies. Both stressed media freedom and played the Navalny card, forgetting that they are prosecuting Julian Assange for nothing. It was hypocrisy at its best. Calling President Vladimir Putin a „killer,“ as Joe Biden did, and then pretend to want normal relations seems crazy and corresponds with Biden’s state of mind.

The Biden/Harris regime pushes the nonsense that determined the so-called Russia gate, which was totally fact-free. The reports on the alleged bounty for the Taliban to kill Americans hail from the devil’s workshop of the CIA. The so-called cyber espionage by Russia is of the same sort. The same holds for the alleged Russian involvement in an explosion of a Czech ammunition depot in 2014 linked to two Russian agents who supposedly were involved in the „poisoning“ of the Skripals in Salisbury/England. This hoax was made public after the Biden regime announced sanctions against Russia for alleged meddling in the 2020 elections. Czech President Milos Zeman uttered his surprise that nothing had been mention in the Intel reports since 2014, not even in the secret parts. Now, Zeman faces charges of high treason for telling the truth! Weiterlesen

The Vatican invites pro-choicer Chelsea Clinton to a conference about „health.“

Pope Francis is looking forward to Chelsea Clinton.

The daughter of one of America’s most corrupt couples, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, was invited to speak at a virtual conference on health at the Vatican. The „Pontifical Council for Culture,“ together with the „Cura Foundation,“ the „Science and Faith Foundation“ (STOQ), and others want „the world’s leading doctors, scientists, religious leaders, ethicists, patient advocates, policymakers, philanthropists and influencers bring together to discuss intense conversations about the latest breakthroughs in medicine, health care, and prevention,“ the website says.

What is Chelsea Clinton doing in this illustrious circle? According to the announcement, the only credential she has is „Vice Chairwoman of the Clinton Foundation.“ Anyone who is even superficially informed about the „Clinton Foundation“ machinations should know that it is a business model of the Clintons disguised in humanitarian rhetoric. The „Clinton Foundation“ is rated by experts primarily as a self-enrichment project of the Clinton family.

After Hillary Clinton resigned as Secretary of State in the Obama administration in 2013 and could no longer grant favors, donations fell into the abyss. Donations totaled $ 50.7 million in 2004, down from $ 20.2 million in 2018. In 2013, Clinton’s business model received 294.7 million US dollars; after she lost the election against Donald Trump in late 2016, it was still 56.8 million.

The German Federal Environment Ministry was one of the donors to this corrupt foundation. That the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation tops the list of donors should come as no surprise. Who is not bought by their foundation? Even Der Spiegel received $ 2.5 million from the Gates. Has this clouded the so-called critical awareness of the Spiegel editors?

Chelsea Clinton appears to be a docile student of her corrupt parents. On April 15, she called for FOX star presenter Tucker Carlson to be banned on Facebook because he was critical of vaccination in the USA. Renowned journalist Glenn Greenwald then wrote on Twitter: „Please remove any content from the Internet that Chelsea Clinton does not like or otherwise object to.

Why does the Vatican invite a pro-choicer like Chelsea Clinton unnecessarily?

Warum lädt der Vatikan die Abreibungsbefürworterin Chelsea Clinton zu einer virtuellen Konferenz über „Gesundheit“ ein?

Papst Franziskus freut sich auf Chelsea Clinton.

Die Tochter eines der wohl korruptesten amerikanischen Ehepaares, Bill und Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, wurde als Rednerin einer virtuellen Konferenz über Gesundheit im Vatikan eingeladen. Der „Päpstliche Rat für Kultur“, zusammen mit der „Cura-Stiftung“, der „Wissenschafts- und Glaubensstiftung“ (STOQ) und anderen will  „die weltweit führenden Ärzte, Wissenschaftler, Glaubensführer, Ethiker, Patientenanwälte, politischen Entscheidungsträger, Philanthropen und Influencer zusammenzubringen, um intensive Gespräche über die neuesten Durchbrüche in den Bereichen Medizin, Gesundheitsversorgung und Prävention zu diskutieren“, heißt es auf der Website.

Was hat  Chelsea Clinton in diesem erlauchten Kreis zu suchen? Die einzige Auszeichnung, die sie vorzuweisen hat, ist laut Ankündigung: „Stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Clinton-Stiftung“. Wer auch nur oberflächlich über die Machenschaften der „Clinton-Stiftung“ informiert ist, sollte wissen, dass es sich dabei um ein Geschäftsmodell der Clintons handelt, das humanitär verbrämt ist.  Die „Clinton-Stiftung“ wird von Experten primär als ein Selbstbereicherungsprojekt der Familie Clinton eingeschätzt.

Nachdem Hillary Clinton 2013 als Außenministerin der Obama-Regierung ausgeschieden war und keine Gefälligkeiten mehr gewähren konnte, fiel das Spendenaufkommens ins Bodenlose. Das Spendenaufkommen betrug 2004 – 50,7 Millionen US-Dollar, in 2018 waren es nur noch 20,2 Millionen. 2013 erhielt Clintons Geschäftsmodell noch 294,7 Millionen US-Dollar, nach ihrer verlorenen Präsidentschaftswahl gegen Donald Trump Ende 20016 waren es immer noch  56,8 Millionen. Zu den Spendern dieser korrupten Stiftung zählte auch das Bundesumweltministerium. Dass die Bill und Melinda Gates Stiftung die Liste der Spender anführt, sollte niemanden überraschen. Wer ist nicht von deren Stiftung gekauft? Selbst Der Spiegel erhielt 2,5 Millionen US-Dollar von den Gates. Ist damit das sogenannte kritische Bewusstsein der Spiegel-Redakteure eingetrübt worden?

Chelsea Clinton scheint eine gelehrige Schülerin ihrer korrupten Eltern zu sein. So forderte sie am 15. April den Bann von FOX-Star-Moderator Tucker Carlson auf Facebook, weil er sich kritisch über die Impferei in den USA geäußert hat. Der renommierte Journalist Glenn Greenwald schrieb daraufhin auf Twitter: „Bitte entfernen Sie alle Inhalte aus dem Internet, die Chelsea Clinton nicht gefallen oder auf andere Weise unangenehm sind.

Warum bindet sich der Vatikan ohne Not eine Abreibungsbefürworterin wie Chelsea Clinton ans Bein?

Was Donald Trump „Israel’s president“?

Will Joe Biden be as worse as Donald Trump?

Former President Donald J. Trump did Israel a lot of political favors. The political ones contravened against international law and were not in the US’s national interest. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, knowing that East Jerusalem is Israeli occupied territory, by moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. The Trump administration also recognized the occupied Golan Heights, which Israel conquered during the 1967-war from Syria.  Trump agreed on further colonization of the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem by settlers. The Trump administration couldn’t care less when the Israeli government murdered Palestinians and bombing Lebanon, Syria or ordered undercover operations by the Mossad or its proxies in Iran. One of Trump’s biggest plunders was his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. This was also favor for his friend Benjamin Netanyahu. But his last wish to attack Iran, Trump was talked out by his advisers, apparently. That Trump didn’t start another war is offset by assassinating Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani and Syria’s frequent bombings. The support of the Saudi war against the people of Yemen borders genocide.

But what is more disgraceful is Trump’s pardon spree on his last days in office. Instead of pardoning courageous whistleblowers such as Edward Snowdon, Chelsea Manning, John Kiriakou, or Julian Assange, Trump pardoned crooks and dubious figures. Philip Giraldi mentions that some had close contacts with Israel or are Jewish. His closing remarks are revealing. “ Money talks, and so the drama in Washington continues to play out. Trump manages to make himself look even worse with his last round of pardons and commutations on his ultimate day in office. No one who deserved clemency got it, and a lot of well-connected rogues who were willing to fork over money in exchange for mercy benefited. Business as usual delivered by the so-called Leader of the Free World.“ Does the US gets more of the same with the Biden/Harris administration, or can it get worse?

Fascism is coming to the US. Or is it just an old ball game?

US Fascism will appear at the shining city on the Hill!

Dutch-Jewish historian Jacques Presser remarked as early as 1947: „Fascism, should it ever return, will undoubtedly present itself in the guise of anti-fascism.“ Having watched the surreal inauguration, the Green Zone in Bagdad popped up.  The occupation in Washington was called Red Zone. Almost 30.000 troops occupied the city, protecting the ruling class from their own people. The „most popular President,“ who can’t simulate mental acuity, was inaugurated behind a huge electric fence without any real people present, except some hundred handpicked members of the political class. This flagged event has been reinterpreted by one of the propagandists from CNN, Don Lemon; he twisted the truth like CNN always does, saying, “The reason President-elect Biden has to do this is that he’s just so incredibly popular. He has so many rabid fans that they might try to rush the stage as they’re overcome with enthusiasm and love for Biden, who is by far the most beloved candidate who has ever run for President.” Kim Jong-un would love having such a guy in his propaganda crew.

Much lesser troops are still occupying Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria! The „crowd“ was „represented“ by 200.000 mini US flags along the Mall. Biden phraseology sounded like Obama’s only amateurishly and less eloquently. Obama finally got his third term. Most of the so-called new people served under Obama. Susan Rice, who controls Biden’s domestic policy, will execute Obama’s divisive and identity policy, which contributed partly to the US’s dire situation. Weiterlesen

Massive election fraud in the US and the „Assault on Capitol Hill.“

The mainstream media in the US manipulates the American public 24/7; the Americanized German media lead the German with the same propaganda astray. The Germans don’t get a picture of American reality. They get a reflection of the American press by correspondents sitting in their hotel apartments or offices. The German public is misinformed about the real US situation, such as the infamous Class Relotius of „Der Spiegel“ told his readers fairytales about the US. Perhaps this article by  Paul Craig Roberts will bring some fresh air into their brainwashed German brain.


President Donald J. Trump pardoned General Michael T. Flynn: Congratulation!

Donald Trump pardons General Michael Flynn.

It was overdue that President Donald Trump pardoned General Michael Flynn, who has been framed by the corrupt Obama regime and forced by the criminal FBI and the Robert Mueller team to concede to a misdemeanor, which didn’t happen. The Mueller gang forced him to concede; otherwise, they would prosecute his son. Such behavior is mafia-like. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany gave the following reasoning:

„Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Grant of Clemency granting a Full Pardon to General Michael T. Flynn. The President has pardoned General Flynn because he should never have been prosecuted. An independent review of General Flynn’s case by the Department of Justice—conducted by respected career professionals—supports this conclusion. In fact, the Department of Justice has firmly concluded that the charges against General Flynn should be dropped. This Full Pardon achieves that objective, finally bringing to an end the relentless, partisan pursuit of an innocent man.  Weiterlesen

Der größte Schwindel des Jahrhunderts: Das E-Auto!

Der staatlich finanzierte Sender ARTE hatte den Mut, in seinem gestrigen Themenabend die sogenannte E-Mobilität als das zu entlarven, was sie ist: Der größte Schwindel und Betrug an den Bürgen und das größte Umweltverbrechen des Jahrhunderts. Wenn man auf diesem verhängnisvollen Weg weitergeht, wird es nicht nur keine Senkung der CO2-Emissionen geben, sondern diese werden steigen. Dass die Konzernbosse bei diesem Schwindel mitmachen, ist ihrer Profitgeilheit zu verdanken. Dass die politische Klasse davon nichts hören und wissen wollen, sollte niemanden überraschen. Die Suppe dieser Chaospolitik müssen die einfachen Menschen auslöffeln. Die Merkels, Habecks, Baerbocks, Hofreiters, Roths und die anderen Vollpfosten dürfte dies wenig interessieren, von den Klimagören Greta Thunberg und Luisa Neubauer gar nicht zu reden. Sie schlürfen weiterhin Champagner, wenn das einfache Volk Wasser verabreicht bekommt.

Das Unwort des Jahres 2021: COVID-19 – und Klaus Schwabs „Great Reset“

Die Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) sollte „COCID-19“ zum Unwort des Jahres 2021 erklären. Mit diesem Begriff wurde so viel Schindluder getrieben, und es wird vermutlich dazu missbraucht, um ein weltweit politisch-korrektes Regime zu installieren. Das Drehbuch für dieses totalitäre Regime wurde von Klaus Schwab, Chef des Welt Wirtschaftsforum, bezeichnenderweise ein Deutscher (!),  in der Schrift „The Great Reset“ entworfen. Darin heißt es, dass die Welt niemals mehr zu einem Vor-Corona-Zustand zurückkehren werde.

Für Klaus Schwab ist der Neo-Liberalismus tot. Soziale Gerechtigkeit ist das Zauberwort dieser neuen Zukunft, das heißt, es wird eine Gleichmacherei auf niedrigstem Niveau angestrebt, ähnlich wie in der Europäischen Union. Der Kapitalismus alter Provenienz ist tot und muss durch gemeinsamen Fortschritt, Wohlstand und Gesundheit für alle ersetzt werden, heißt es im „Great Reset.“ Die internationale Finanzoligarchie und die Wirtschaftseliten in enger Kooperation mit den Medienkonzernen sollen diesen bewerkstelligen. Sie werden der politischen Klasse vorschreiben, welche Maßnahmen zu ergreifen sind.

Die Nach-Corona-Zukunft wird aus einer Mixtur Orwellscher Ideen und Aldous Huxleys „Schöner Neuen Welt“  bestehen.

Joe Biden, the Godfather of a criminal and corrupt family enterprise. The next President of the U. S.?

Joe Biden and his crooked son Hunter. Joe Biden runs on character!!!

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the German „Merkel Media“ didn’t report on Joe Biden and his family’s criminal machinations. Why should they? The U. S. mainstream media didn’t either. They even had the nerve to censor an article by the New York Post, which ran a criminal family story. Google, Facebook, and Twitter even blocked the article. So much about American democracy and free media!

The story came to the fore after Hunter Biden, the crack head son of Joie Biden, didn’t pick up his laptop from a repair job. After nine-month, the laptop goes to the shop owner. Perhaps Hunter forgot about the laptop of his being stoned 24/7. The shop owner made a copy of the hard drive and handed the laptop over to the FBI. The FBI, however, sat on the laptop for over nine-month doing nothing, although it contained besides tons of evidence of the criminal machinations of the Biden family, but also pictures and videos about disgusting sex acts of Hunter with minors. If the FBI weren’t a criminal and corrupt organization, it would have arrested Hunter Biden on the spot. Weiterlesen